Joe Bentley Joe Bentley

A Personal Story

As a baby I loved everyone unconditionally. There was no right or wrong, good or bad, just my curiosity and my awe of the beauty around me. The energy was comforting and I felt secure in my new home. As I got older and the energy around me changed, there came upon me like a mist, uneasiness and insecurity and something unfamiliar….

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Sudie Shipman Sudie Shipman

What to Do When We Are Feeling Fearful

Feeling our emotions is part of the spiritual process, and we need some training on how to do it. We aren’t really taught how to feel emotions in our society, more often we are taught by example, and word, to repress them. That’s okay. No blame here. It’s just that there is a better way.

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Shiranda Deerwoman Shiranda Deerwoman

Michelangelo’s David: The Self Unveiled

“The sculpture is already complete within the marble block before I start my work. It is already there; I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.” Michelangelo

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Sudie Shipman Sudie Shipman

What is the meaning of forgiveness?

Before one can really have an understanding of forgiveness they have to have a clear understanding of what the word means from the perspective of “A Course In Miracles.” Jesus gives us a wonderful essay on forgiveness in the Supplements to “A Course a Miracles” entitled “The Song of Prayer,” and I highly encourage everyone to read both of the Supplements. The other Supplement is entitled, “Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice.”

Before we define forgiveness in ACIM terms, let’s discuss what it is NOT…

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Sudie Shipman Sudie Shipman

The Dark Night of the Soul: Spiritual Transformation, Suicide and Death

When I endeavored to set out on the spiritual path, I really didn’t have any clue what I was doing or even that I was undertaking a new direction. It was if my mind was enveloped in dark clouds of unconsciousness and all I knew was that somehow there had to be a better way to live. I did know, was aware, that I was terrified of dying…

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